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1ACCWC#376 - SHAMPOO (7)

Total Clues: 37 Total Voters: 41

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 @LowdownCryptic Quiet morning? Relieve yourself – it's what almost everyone does in the shower (7) 3919SH ("Quiet") + AM ("morning") + POO ("Relieve yourself") = SHAMPOO!
2 Debasmita Basu Hair product made from two parts of shikakai, two parts of amla, seed of soapnut, and hints of orange oil (7) 2515Def: Hair product; two parts of shikakai=sh, two parts of amla=am, seed of soapnut=p (central letter), hints of orange oil=o(range) o(il) - Too complicated for me, but I appreciate the effort!
3 Myra Shah “First signs of shedding hair after menopause? Presenting… Organic Oatmeal hair cleanser!” (7) 2413Acrostic indicator - first signs of, definition - hair cleanser
4 Ananth Srinivasan Bath soap: Home-made and drug-free (7) 2312Def: Bath SOAPHOME* - E Drug = E - Definition a little weak perhaps? Wordplay excellent!
5 Sowmya Ramkumar Oops! Terrible actor’s boring soap (7) 2111Def: Soap. Actor - Ham, Inserted in (boring), OOPS* (Terrible - Anagrind) - An actor is not a ham IMO - a terrible actor could be a ham, but terrible cannot do double duty
- I feel like shampoo and soap are different, but I still like this (the "boring" especially).
- Love how you''ve used actor and soap. Not so sure about oops.
6 VENKATESAN P Cleaner to drive away escorting a politician(7) 2111To drive away=Shoo; a=A; Politician=MP; Escorting=Container indicator. Defn: Cleaner - def TO wordplay is not correct IMO
7 CrypticBlah Homeopaths not the doctor, for treating dandruff? 219Subtractive anagram (doctor) *homeopaths minus *the. Definition 'for treating dandruff?' - ''doctor'' is verbal anagrind placed in front of fodder.
- Doctor as an imperative verb when used as anagrind should come before the fodder. Also Part of speech is incorrect for defintion
- Doctor as verbal anagrind should come before the fodder
- for the surface to scan, it would have to be: Homeopaths not the doctors
8 Avtaar Shopwoman gives out case of new liquid cleaner (7) 2011Anagram (liquid) of {SHOPWOMAN - (N(-e)W)}*. Def: Cleaner - Nice construction
9 Textrous Shock treatment? 188Cryptic definition - Good one
- Nice, but another surface uses this and goes further.
10 Satyen Nabar Massage by maiden in spa - ooh, relaxing! (7) 1710M in (SPA OOH)*, relaxing= anag ind, maiden= M (abbrev), defn= massage (see Chambers, Collins) or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shampoo_(massage)
11 Some electricity passed through footwear, say, for shock treatment (7) 1610Some electricity = AMP (as in ampere) passed through SHOO (footwear say = hp of shoe). Cryptic Def = Shock Treatment (shock as in hair) - Enjoyable clue, would have preferred some indication that the definition was cryptic like a "?" at the end.
- Partial homophone and a cryptic definition? Lovely!
12 Oops, turned back and caught the queen taking a bath! 159Def = Bath; HM (the queen) taking A = HAM inside SPOO (OOPS reversed); ‘Turned back’ as reversal indicator and ‘Caught’ as container indicator - shampoo is not bath?
13 Stringy hair, angry matted plaits, overgrown oily heads need this cleanser? 125Fodder: Stringy Hair, Angry Matted Plaits, Overgrown Oily; Acrostic Indicator: heads ; def: need this cleanser (? for unclear def)
14 Clean heads and shoulders, perhaps (7) 117DD - I think it''s technically "Head & Shoulders" (and probably a shared root) but I like what you were going for here!
- If the reference is to the Head and Shoulders brand of shampoo, it should be capitalised.
15 Clean fake, soft glasses (7) 116Clean (Defn), Fake - sham, Soft - p, Glasses - oo
16 Shame poor endlessly: "Wash your hair!" (7) 116Def: "Wash your hair!" Wordplay: SHAM[e] + POO[r] losing last letters ("endlessly") - Very nice
17 Oops! Upset about bits of hay and mud used to make hair cleaner (7) 105OOPS reversed (indicator - "upset"), containing (indicator - "about") HAM (acrostic). Connector - "used to make", Definition - "hair cleaner".
18 Do this to primarily stop hairloss and mainly prevent oil oversecretion (7) 97Acrostic: First letters (primarily) of Stop hairloss and mainly prevent oil oversecretion; Definition: Do this (semi &lit) - Nice try but hairloss is not a single word?
19 Damaged mop has essential job as a bathroom cleaner (7) 96(mop has o (essential jOb) )*; Definition: a bathroom cleaner
20 Carrie Fisher's film debut is mostly a parody about an overactor (7) 86S(HAM)POO[-f]: Carrie Fisher's first role was in the 1975 film SHAMPOO, "mostly a parody" is SPOO[-f], "overactor" is a HAM, and "about" indicates it is a container. - "mostly a parody" would be ASPOO not SPOO?
- Mostly a spoof - “a” spoils the cryptic wordplay
- Original!
21 Clean fraud by Winnie, say (7) 75Def: CLEAN SHAM fraud + POO (hp of Pooh - Winnie the pooh)
22 Clean butcher shop around morning before start of operation (7) 65Def - Clean. (butcher - anagrind) {SHOP}* around AM (morning) before O (start of operation).
23 MASH: Doctor #2 is cleaner. 64(MASH)* POO - Doctor as verbal anagrind should come before the fodder
24 Perhaps, shopwoman without directions, will find the cleaning solution. (7) 64Cleaning Solution=Def; SHOPWOMAN - N - W = SHAMPOO; Perhaps=Anagrind; N, W=Directions; - Without directions could lose S as well.
25 Maverick Osho inspired Vinod Khanna, perhaps, for a hair-care treatment 63*OSHO includes A MP, Definition: hair-care treatment - Vinod Khanna for MP is a bit obscure, imo
26 Clean way to avoid deadlocks? (7) 54CD
27 Hair dresser's best friend Pam, roamed around in bustling Soho (7) 52PAM * inside SOHO *
28 Clean fake shit (7) 52Def: clean. SHAM (fake) POO (shit)
29 Cleanse bogus poor by withdrawing right. 43def : Cleanse, wp: bogus = sham + (poor -r)
30 Hair wash from artificial excrement (7) 43Def - Hair wash; artificial = sham, excrement = poo
31 Fake, unending crap that gets one in a bit of lather (7) 43Def: that get's one in a bit of lather; SHAM POO(-p) Reference to WhatsApp messages in some groups :)
32 I made a mistake, returning and devouring meat in a lather (7) 42"OOPS" reversed, contains HAM
33 Cleaner branch shortly to be occupied by a politician (7) 32Def- cleaner, branch shortly- SHOO t, c/c Indic- to be occupied by , a-A, politician-MP, SH A MP OO
34 Leading star loves to hug amateur actor, preferring initially to wash (7) 21Anno: S OO about HAM P. Def: To wash
35 Pams mixing little henna in with eggs to rinse hair 11Defn = to rinse hair, Pams is a person, P(h)ams* +
36 Under/over on ham soup repackaged as a hair product? (7) 11Under/over on = change the u to an o in the fodder ham soup->HAMSOOP. Anagram indicator = repackaged. Definition “a hair product”. - Under/over didn''t quite work for me, but the surface made me laugh a lot.
37 Heads of silky hair, a marvelous picture of only Halo, perhaps (7) 0Acrostic, with Halo as def by example