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Total Clues: 32 Total Voters: 37

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 Textrous I'd bet ivory is plundered for natural richness (12) 5121Def: natural richness, IDBETIVORYIS* - Brilliant!
2 N Anantakrishnan Extraordinary videos by IIT researcher, basically showing variety of plant and animal life 3617(Videos by IIT R)* Def - variety of plant and animal life - Nice clue, except for the use of "basically" as the 1st letter indicator
3 Manish Jhaveri Try to find love ... it is very stimulating for variety in life (12) 3115BI (o) D (try to find love) + IVERSITY (itisvery)* DEF = Variety in life - Def should be Variety of life?
- Great clue
- I think gerund anagram indicators needs precede the fodder.
4 Madhusudan H IIT boy's drive to transform ecological variety (12) 1912Anagrind - to transform , Anag Fodder - IIT BOYS DRIVE, Defn - Ecological variety - This reads as transform should be applied on ecological variety.
- What is an "IIT boy"?
- Wordplay lifted from wordplays.com?
5 Aaron Riccio (@thatcrypticguy) Getting nothing in offer, skip the first fifth of college to see life in all its forms (12) 189BI(O)D+[-un]IVERSITY; nothing (O) in offer (BID), skipping the first fifth of [-un]IVERSITY. - The surface seems a bit forced: what is the first fifth of college? People would say "the first term" , "the first semester" etc
6 Suyash Roongta Ecosystem disturbed by idiot uninitiated divers (12) 169Anagram of BY + IDIOT + IVERS (uninitiated divers). Anagrind - disturbed. Def - ecosystem. - Great surface. The surface needs a comma in between ''idiot'' and ''uninitiated''.
- uninitiated
7 Dave Williams By enthralling ten frogmen, it shows life's rich pageant 15910+DIVERS+IT inside BY. ("shows"=linkword; "life's rich pageant"=def.) - enthralling 👍
8 Myra Shah IIT boy's drive transformed the ecological variety of flora and fauna (12) 149(IIT boy's drive)* anagrind - transformed. Rest of the sentence is the definition. (IIT is a world-famous Indian university) - What is an ''IIT boy''?
- Wordplay lifted from wordplays.com?
9 VENKATESAN P Starting late, drive by idiots destroyed variety of life(12) 148Definition: Variety of life; Anagram fodder “(-d)rive by idiots”; Deletion indicator: Starting late; Anagram indicator: destroyed - starting late 👍
10 amrita majumdar Leaders of big, international organisations design video edits recognising struggles in the Yellowstone's ecosystem (12) 137Acrostic - Acrostics don''t cut it for long words
- Good try. Missed the i after d, though. Perhaps interesting video edits?
- Isn’t it missing an I?
11 Ananth Srinivasan The result of bodies versatility ? Not least, a variety of species (12) 136(BODIESVERSATILITY)-LEAST Def: A variety of species - I wonder whether there''s a root issue VERSatility // biodiVERSity
12 Early signs of Bougainvillea, Irises, Oxalis, Dahlias, Ivy, Vanilla etc reportedly seen in the Yucatan. A wide variety of life. 118letter pick - acrostic
- Acrostics don''t cut it for long words
13 I'd bet ivory is unfamiliar to a variety of flora and fauna (12) 117Def on the right, anagram ("unfamiliar") of I'D BET IVORY IS - As with clue #11, what does the surface mean?
14 Poisonous bit 'o' red ivy is nature's bounty (12) 117Anag BITOREDIVYIS*. Def : Nature's bounty - Fodder with partial words usually seem a bit forced.
15 Boy! It is fantastic around spring, primarily revealing ecological variety (12) 107(BOY IT IS)* around DIVE+R(-evealing); fantastic= anag ind, around= cont ind, spring= dive, primarily revealing= R, defn= ecological variety
16 Exotic variety of birds in India not far from habitat (12) 107Def - habitat. Exotic - anagrind, varietyofbirds+ (I = India : military callsign) - far(not used as removal indicator) - "in" is not suitable as a concatenation indicator. Also, in deletion clues involving multiple letters, the letter being deleted ("far") must either appear in the same order in the deletion fodder, or we need another anagrind for "far"
- Great surface. The structure of this clue looks like: wordplay from definition which is illogical.
- Liked the clue but it is flawed, it should be India in fodder, not fodder in India
- The "in" coming in the middle of fodder is jarring. Wp "from" def is not okay IMO
17 Ecosystem 10 underwater explorers found in a small estuary finally (12) 106Ecosystem = def, 10 = IO, underwater explorers = DIVERS, found in = containment indicator (a found in b), a small = BIT, estuary finally = Y. {B{IO}{DIVERS}IT}{Y}
18 Extremely intuitively tribes avoid re-settling without a variety of flora and fauna 97Def: Variety of flora and fauna IYTRIBESAVOID-A*
19 Birds, ivy, tortoise, leaves…sort/kind of an ecosystem (12) 96Anagram fodder (Birds + Ivy + Tortoise - Sort), Deletion indicator (Leaves), Kind of (Anagrind), Ecosystem (Defn), &lit - Great surface. Your fodder is actually sort minus birdsivytortoise due to the order in which the elements of the clue appear.
20 What Darwin found in an entangled bank, I’d bet, is ivory gone astray (12) 95(ID BET IS IVORY)*; gone astray = anagrind; what…bank = def., alluding to a passage in Origin of Species - I think your definition needs a DBEI
21 New IIT is at last covered by over hundred varieties of trees and plants (12) 87Anagram of (IIT IS D BY OVER), def = hundred varieties of trees and plants - I would say that ''hundred varieties of trees and plants'' would need a DBEI as it is an example of biodiversity.
22 Variety drives IIT boy crazy (12) 86Definition: Variety; Anagrind: crazy; {drives IIT boy}* : Biodiversity - Variety of what exactly!
- What is an ''IIT boy''?
23 Ibis, ivy and rodent strangely not nitrogen demonstrating this? (12) 64Subtractive anagram *IBISIVYRODENT minus N(itrogen). Extended definition. - The surface doesn''t really work.
24 Spelling mistakes like boi are part of nature 53Reverse anagram - (bio)* diversity. - Interesting idea!
- This isn''t a reverse anagram. The clue would need to be: Boi is a part of nature? OR How to get boi as a part of nature? [neither of which make much sense]
25 Brideshead Revisited disjointedly spanning 10 years, failing to capture transcendental value and variety of life (12) 43Def: "variety of life." Wordplay: B ("Brideshead") + REVISITED* (anagrind "disjointedly") + IO inside (container "spanning 10") + Y ("years") – E (deletion "failing to capture transcendental value"); surface references Waugh novel and uses "transcendental" to mean "mystical" - Brideshead 👍
26 Desperately rebid to visit Yemen's capital having no time to find life in all its variety! (12) 42Rebidtovisit+y-t*
27 Excited by video sister frequently is showing. It is ‘Variety of Life’ 22(BY VIDEO ITR IS)*. Def: Variety of Life - A lovely idea. "is" isn''t in the correct position in the sentence for the surface grammar; correct would be ''sister is frequently showing''
28 The Lunar ark saves it driven by its old exceptional moon sheltered 11Def: the Lunar ark saves it (its an initiative to store biodiversity by storing seeds on moon.). (Driven by its -n(old: not new))* over io (moon) - Where is Martyn Hardy when we need him?
29 BIO Dept overrules United Nations in an academy to create an ecological assortment. 11Ecological assortment =def Biodiversity, academy = UNiversity, UN Replaced by BIOD - I feel ‘bio’ as such should not be a word in the clue
- overrules 👍
30 African tribe cultivates driest ivy to rebuild nature's rich variety (12) 11(IBO)* [African Tribe (IBO), cultivates as the anagram indicator], (DRIEST IVY)* - Great surface but you have an indirect anagram [african tribe > ibo > BIO]
- Indirect anagram
- Indirect anagram.
31 Life science with log replaced using IT encompasses frogmen for natural ecosystem(12) 0def: natural ecosystem. Life science is biology. wp1: biology-(log)+(IT)= bioity. wp2: encompasses frogmen(divers) i.e. bio(divers)ity. - Root issue? Biology / Biodiversity
32 Custom at home 0Custom = habit + at. HABITAT definition = home - A nice clue for a different word.
- Lovely clue but for a different word
- Perhaps I''m missing something... The idea of this competition is that everyone writes a clue for the same word.
- Seems to be a clue for HABITAT and not biodiversity
- The word to be clued wasn''t Habitat
- Wrong word clued