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Total Clues: 31 Total Voters: 35

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 Dave Williams Getting back on top? Yes! 3816Getting back = def. On = RE; top = COVER; yes = Y. &lit - on = re?
- Swell &lit.
- NL: I don''t think the whole thing defines ''recovery'' but ''recovering'' still an excellent clue though.
2 Sowmya Ramkumar Rupee firm in each rally (8) 3315R (Rupee) + CO (firm) >>EVERY (Each). Def - Rally, Surface intended as a comment on currency markets - NL: I don''t think surface intention has been achieved but a lovely wordplay
3 Avtaar Queen turned up with mask before the start of yearly rally (8) 3119ER<< COVER (Mask)+ Y. Def@: Rally. #down - Nicely topical with good wordplay.
- NL: Great clue
4 Manish Jhaveri Literally everybody goes for insurance renewal [8] 2312REALLY ( = literally) with ALL ( = everybody) being replaced by COVER ( = insurance) to give RE cover Y. Def = Renewal - Smooth surface with a very thoughtful word swap.
- NL: Awesome clue
5 Ganesh Raman Healing considerably after core workout 1913Def= HEALING; Considerably = VERY, after RECO (anagram of CORE; WORKOUT as Anagrind) - NL: being picky but prefer ''exercises'' (for singular) as others have done
6 N Anantakrishnan Comeback by reliable English openers, 100 left at end of day 1912Def - comeback. R E C (100) OVER (left as in extra) Y - NL: not sure why ''left'' = ''over''? Otherwise fantastic
- Left suggests deficit. Over is surplus. Perhaps 100 lead?
- Let me count the ways I love a cricket surface.
7 Thejaswi Udupa Comeback concerning company to a great extent 1911Comeback (definition) concerning (RE) company (CO) to a great extent (VERY)
8 Satyen Nabar Improvement particularly after core exercises (8) 1811VERY (=particularly) after CORE*, exercises= anag ind. - NL: very nice clue
9 VENKATESAN P Unbounded area facing bay rightfully vacated for repossession (8) 1710Definition: Repossession; Anno: (RE)(COVE)(RY); Unbounded area=RE; Bay=Cove; Rightfully vacated=RY - NL: Wonderful clue
10 Arshad Nadamal Does the Underground fare cover your return? 169Hidden word, indicator - underground, Def - return - ''does the'' has no purpose in the cryptic construction.
- NL: purpose of ''does the'' in wp?
11 Rally remarkably after core exercises (8) 148VERY ("remarkably") after CORE* ("exercises" = moves around); Def is "Rally" - NL: Surface?
12 Rude, heartless fellow on track to achieve improvement 107RE (RudE heartless) COVE (fellow) + (on) RY (track - railway) = {to achieve} Improvement - RY and COVE were new to me, but they work well.
- NL: The greatest clue ever written (I might be slightly biased though lol)
13 Core exercises badly needed for healing (8) 106CORE anagram ("exercises") + VERY ("badly") - Not sure what "needed" is doing here.
- NL: Superb clue
14 The first two years had 5 crore turnover from salvage (8) 105Defn - Salvage : The first two years = first 2 letters of years =ye + 5 =V+crore - turnover - anagrind = recovery - India-specific : (
- NL: wp from def? Excellent anagram idea though.
15 Repair an unstable core? Absolutely! [8] 95Core* Very. Anagrind = an unstable. Anagram fodder = core. Absolutely = very. Def = Repair - ''an'' doesn''t fit with the cryptic construction; you could have omitted it.
16 Railway incorporates online insurance for reclamation of business 85Railway = RY, online =E, insurance = cover, incorporates is container indicator, Def: reclamation of business - NL: brilliant clue
17 About to report on yen rebound 75RE + COVER + Y
18 Fragmented core badly? A backup may allow this for your computer (8) 64RECO*+VERY - NL: Lovely clue
19 Core healed - so on the road to better health! (8) 64CORE*, SO-VERY , ONTHE ROAD TO BETTER HEALTH - DEF - NL: your definition appears to be for ''recovering'', the rest is great
20 Never cry perhaps after replacing nitrogen with oxygen to cure 63def:cure, fodder:never cry - n + o, anagrind : perhaps. - I would use ''in'' rather than ''to''
- NL: Surface?
21 Retrieval of concerning, covertly-erased timeline. (8) 53Definition: "Retrieval". Clue type: Charade. "concerning" = regarding or RE. "covertly" = COVERTLY (literal). "erased TimeLine" = minus TL. RE + COVERTLY - TL = RECOVERY. - I''m in two minds regarding whether it would have been better to use a synonym of ''covertly''.
22 Truly providing insurance for all in healing ( 8 ) 53Def: healing. RE (+COVER<>-ŔLL) Y Truly = REALLY. providing insurance = cover - The surface doesn''t quite flow.
- For the charade to work, there needs to be some indicator that ALL has to be removed.
23 Soldiers settled in city's outskirts for getting better (8) 42Def: getting better; Soldiers=RE, settled=OVER, city's outskirts=CY => RE C(OVER)Y - Great wordplay. A different def would be better in the surface.
24 Year after concealment soldiers in front rally (8) 33Anno: (COVER Y)<=>RE Def: Rally
25 Again screen youth leader 's rally {8} 32Again : RE screen : cover Youth leader : Y definition : Rally
26 Company gets in gear... why? Not self-explanatory... getting back to normal. 31gear = REVERSE. RE(CO)VERSE - SE + Y. def = "getting back to normal" - I think “Not self-explanatory at first” would be better—I don’t see SE as a standard abbreviation
- NL: Surface?
27 Recreation concerning yankee rally 31Recreation:rec concerning:over yankee:y def: rally - The surface doesn''t really work.
- NL: Surface?
28 Again Harbour Line needs mending (8) 22RECOVERY def Mending; RE .. again; COVE .. Harbour; RY .. line - ''needs'' has no purpose int he cryptic construction.
- NL: needs to dispense with needs, otherwise wonderful, again is technically a root issue though
29 Rally about film? Extremely dodgy (8) 22Definition (Rally); RE + COVER + Y (surface refers to current Bollywood situation)
30 Get tanked coming out of Yankee rally (8) 11Get tanked coming out of Yankee = Get ‘tanked’ from ‘yankee’ = recover ‘yankee’ = RECOVER Y / rally = def - I can''t follow your anno....
- NL: 10 points for creativity but this is indirect. You have clued for ''recover Yankee'' not ''recovery''
31 Brief letter ended Yemen’s economic upturn (8) 0REC + OVER + Y - “Brief letter” for REC seems a bit tenuous
- NL: not sure why a receipt is a letter(?) Otherwise excellent