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1ACCWC#427 - ASSIDUOUS(9) (12)

Total Clues: 22 Total Voters: 27

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 Raj Jayaram So, US aid made us hard-working? (9) 2612SO US AID: letters to be anagrammed; made: anagram indicator; us: US (letters appearing unchanged); hard-working: definition; (SO US AID)* + US = ASSIDUOUS
2 Ganesh Raman Hard-working simpleton, accompanying a couple, starts to unload suitcases 2515DEF: Hard-working; simpleton = ASS; a couple = I DUO; Starts to unload suitcases = US - Nice clue...but a = i? hmmmm.... not a big fan (a bit indirect..a = one = i)
3 Textrous Hard-working model getting fired from a U.S. studio's appalling (9) 229Def: Hard-working, anagrind: appalling, model: T => AUSSTUDIOS* - T, - The ''is'' contraction usage seems off here.
4 Suyash Roongta Diligent and studious leaders of student association got excited as model stripped (9) 2110Anagaram of {STUDIOUS + SA (leaders of student association) - T (model stripped)}. Indicator - got excited. Def - diligent. - Lol
5 Ratna Rao Hardworking couple at University overwhelmed by endless aid (8) 1910Def Hardworking, Couple= duo University =U Endless aid= assis(-t) Overwhelmed by insertion indicator Assi( duo U)s
6 Sowmya Ramkumar Taking great care so Audi's assembled using parts efficiently (9) 198Def: Taking great care, Fodder: SO AUDI, Type : Letter Bank, Anagram Ind - Assembled, Letter Bank Ind - Using parts efficiently (to indicate repeated use of letters) - Nice letter bank and surface! (IMHO, saying it''s assembled using parts "efficiently" doesn''t quite mean the same as using parts "multiple times", but others may see it differently)
7 @drcheruvarun Diligent ace spy chief oddly spied upon America (9) 168Charade, Def: diligent, A (ace) + S (chief letter of spy) + S(-p) +I(-e) +D + U(-p) +O(-n) + US (America) - Points for intricate wordplay
- "oddly spied upon" would more likely indicate S(p)I(e)D(u)P(o)N
- Topical surface reading. But wouldn''t the odd letters in "spied upon" give us SIDPN?
8 Samit kallianpur What a studious lass, finally taking a little time out, could be? [9] 148[A studious s -t]*. Semi &lit. Lass finally = s. Taking a little time out = remove t. Could be = anagrind. Def = whole clue
9 Satyen Nabar Busy couple overwhelmed by issues - a shaky marriage finally fails (9) 147DUO in (ISSUES A)* - (marriag)E; couple= duo, overwhelmed by= insertion, shaky= anag ind, finally= E (last letter of marriage), fails= deletion ind, defn= busy - Not sure about "fails" as deletion indicator.
10 Kalyan Bandyopadhyay Couple united in help, endlessly attentive (9) 126 ASSI (DUO (couple) U (united)) S(-t, help); Definition: attentive
11 Behind dishevelled studio, model going for first undertaking is careful (9) 118ASS (Behind) + (STUDIO-T(model)+U(first Undertaking))* - "dishevelled" applies to persons, not to places such as a studio.
12 Hardworking mule is pregnant with twins and carries you (9) 115Defn: {HARDWORKING}, Mule {ASS IS} pregnant with {DUO} and carries {U} - Nice attempt! HP indicator required, for you?
13 Dedicated audio's sampled for 1.5x output? (9) 106Letter bank AUDIOS (audio's) is "sampled" to make a word 1.5 times longer (9-letter word from 6-letter bank), def is "Dedicated"
14 Diligent ENT is not involved in issues and is out working (9) 96(ISSUES AND IS OUT - ENT IS)*. Working: anagrind. Definition: diligent
15 Persistent Cassius grabbed a pair after losing first Championship 95(-C)assi(duo)us; a pair = duo, first championship =C, grabbed is container indicator, Definition: Persistent
16 Hard-working couple heading union overwhelmed by endless support (9) 85Def- hard-working, couple- duo, heading- positional indicator, union-u, overwhelmed by- containment indicator, endless- last letter deletion indic for support- assist- t
17 Hard-working Cassius lost his head about match 75(C)ASSI DUO US. Definition - hard-working
18 Be careful! - Idiot's papers are initially under observation of United States (9) 65Be careful = Definition; Idiot = ASS; papers = ID; under observation of United States = UOUS; initially = Position indicator - There''s an extra O in the initialism.
19 Hardworking like studious student finally scoring high (9) 53Hardworking - def, AS STUDIOUS -T Anagrammed
20 Persevering assassin oddly pairs around you reportedly (9) 32Persevering: Definition; assassin oddly: assi; pairs: duos; you reportedly (homophone indicator): u; Assi + duo(u)s
21 You said not to start using repeatedly and be careful 22Def: careful letter bank of (ou said) using repeatedly. Surface ref to substance usage. - Letter bank clues are rare, so to confuse things by needing a letter removed to get the bank (and having "not to start" refer to [You said]) seems too much of a stretch
22 Hard-working, retiring band leader welcoming Sex Pistol outside university (9) 11Charade: SOUSA (reversed) containing SID and U => AS(SID)UO(U)S. "band leader" = SOUSA. "retiring" = reversal ind. "Sex Pistol" = SID [Vicious]. "university" = U. "welcoming" and "outside" = containment ind. Def: Hard-working.