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1ACCWC#470 - ACADEMY (7)

Total Clues: 25 Total Voters: 26

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 Samit kallianpur Came a day, sadly, when one had to leave school (7) 3116[(Came a day)* -a]. Sadly = anagrind. When one had to leave = deletion indicator for 'a'. Def = School [surface alludes to school nostalgia] - One does not mean a. The deletion indicator does not work IMO.
2 Ganesh Raman Roguish cadet may give the slip to team leader at training establishment 2414Anagram of CADET MAY - T (Team leader); Anagrind ROGUISH; Def on the right
3 Suyash Roongta Genius bagging a reward ultimately at my school (7) 1912AC(A D)E + MY. Genius = ACE, reward ultimately = D. Container indicator = bagging. Def = school.
4 Kalyan Bandyopadhyay School clubs made to rot in extremes of apathy (7) 1712C (Clubs) + MADE* (anagram indicated by rot) inside AY (extremes of apathy); Definition: School
5 Sowmya Ramkumar Institution made a controversy extremely complicated (7) 1712Def. - Institution, MADE A C…Y*
6 Textrous Ragged co-ed may lose love for a college (7) 179def: COLLEGE, anagram of COEDMAY with O going for A
7 Abhay Phadnis Plato’s school starts to attract criticism as Dean expels Mykonian youths (7) 159Definition: “Plato’s school”. Wordplay: Acrostic (“starts to”) of the last seven words. Surface-related trivia: Mykonos is a Greek island, so youths from there might indeed have been in Plato’s Academy!
8 Ramesh Swaminathan Institute expert takes on promotion with monetary ends (7) 158Def: INSTITUTE anno: AD in ACE + M...Y. Expert = ACE, promotion = AD
9 Economizer School Day came for boarding-school (7) 146DAY CAME* with school as the anagrind
10 Lakshmi Vaidyanathan Setter's chasing a scoundrel with drug in institution (7) 129Def- institution, setter's - my, chasing- positional indicator, a-a, scoundrel- cad, drug-e
11 Centre of a possible decay around the top molar (7) 105Centre- def, A DECAY* around M - “The” is redundant
- nice clue...Shouldn''t it be top of molar?
12 College girl tackles rogue starting to eve-tease (7) 96AMY around {CAD + E(-vetease)}; girl= Amy, tackles= cont ind, rogue= cad, starting to= 1st letter sel ind, defn= college
13 A rogue base next to my school (7) 74A CAD (rogue) E (base, as in the mathematical constant) next to MY. School - definition
14 Bach mid-range pieces and Amadeus (minus a retuning problem) played with my conservatoire 73 {B}ac{h} [mid-range pieces] + {Am}ade{us} a mus[minus a returning problem} [played] ana. + my. = Academy. Conservatoire-def.
15 A military trainee detailed the alpha and omega of military school (7) 66A+CADE(t)+M(ilitar)Y: military trainee = CADET, detailed = remove last letter (de-tail), the alpha and omega of military = M+Y, school = def
16 A team loses direction to my training institute 64A+ team losing direction = cad(-r)e, +my training institute - definition
17 Engineer aced setter's A-level initially in college (7) 54Def - College; AcedmyA* Engineer - anagram indicator setter's = my
18 A break dance, not tango essentially, near fancy school(7) 53Anno: (A)(DA(-N)CE*)(MY). Break - Anagrind. Da(-n)ce - Fodder. Tango essentially - N. Not - deletion indicator. Definition - School.
19 Play me 'da capo' (returning segment) at the Conservatoire 43Reversed hidden. Conservatoire = def; 'da capo': "Indication to return to the beginning of the piece"
20 Start air-conditioning even as lemonade spills on my end 43AC-ADE-MY - Where’s your definition?
21 Lacking roof basically, gallery mostly unoccupied in college (7) 33(ARCADE-r) M…Y. Def: college
22 One Little Woman admits rascal and cheat essentially in school 22One Little Woman is Amy around cad + a (cheat essentially) / school is definition
23 School Day came dancing (7) 22School = ACADEMY ; School = Definition; Anagram : (DAY CAME)* ; Anagrind : Dancing
24 School a rogue European, gosh (7) 04School=Def, A+CAD+E+MY
25 A stinker's been given this award after striking MC initially (7) 03A CAD (stinker) + ['s been given] EMmY (this award) -m [after striking Mc (initially)] &lit - reference to the slap - Clever &lit but may not strike a chord to those who don’t follow the oscars