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1ACCWC#487 - TIPTOE (6)

Total Clues: 17 Total Voters: 20

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 N Anantakrishnan Note : Potholes every now and then, proceed carefully (6) 3314Ti P(o)T(h)O(l)E(s) Def - proceed carefully - From Bangalore?
2 @LowdownCryptic This pet loves choosing odd places to creep (6) 1911T(h)I(s) P(e)T (l)O(v)E(s), choosing odd places (Def: creep)
3 Ganesh Raman Sneak in visit to England while king is away 1610Def: SNEAK; Visit to England = TRIP TO E; King is away: Deletion indicator for letter R
4 Ramesh Swaminathan Leave something for the waiter to smile at the end and walk silently (6) 169Leave something for the waiter= TIP+ TO+ E =smile at the end def: WALK SILENTLY
5 Adman_i Pitt played extremely offensive creep (6) 169(PITT)*(O....E), Creep (Definition)
6 Thejaswi Udupa Petition not in order? Walk away quietly. 1410(PETITION - IN)*, Walk away quietly is the definition
7 Textrous Leaders of this outdoor exploration followed suggestion to walk slowly (6) 1410Def: to walk slowly; Leaders of this outdoor exploration=TOE, suggestion=TIP
8 Sowmya Ramkumar Quietly move spinner back to front in match (6) 129Def. Quietly move, Spinner TOP, Back to front PTO, in Match - TIE - Perhaps ‘draw’ rather than match as synonym for tie?
9 Ramki Krishnan Walk like a ballerina - without really using energy, basically pirouette around (6) 128Def = walk like a ballerina, anagram of (PIROUETTE - R U E), around is anagram indicator, basically is acrostic, without is deletion
10 Veera Raghavan Harry Potter runs out, catches one creep (6) 127POTTER*-R+I. Harry: anagrind. Definition: creep
11 Move stealthily with rope to restrain top criminal (6) 117TIE around TOP*; defn= move stealthily, with= link, rope (verb)= tie, to restrain= cont ind, criminal= anag ind.
12 Walk carefully with damaged pot bound by rope(6) 117Definition: Walk carefully. Anno: (TI(POT*)E). Pot - Anagram fodder. Damaged - Anagrind. Rope - Tie. Bound by - Insertion indicator.
13 Go gently! (Poet getting it wrong) 115POET + IT * Refers to Dylan Thomas' 'Do not go gently into that good night'
14 Walk carefully after bobcat leaves petticoat in tatters (6) 11def: walk carefully; PETTICOAT*-CAT*
15 Depression knocks back legend? Tread carefully! (6) 02Depression- PIT< , Legend = toe ( punny def) , Tread carefully - def - should be "knocked back" as the reversal indicator IMO
16 Pad stormy jovian moon with alien exercise. 0Pad-def. [stormy]-anagram signal. Io (Jovian moon), et (alien), pt-(exercise). - indirect anagram
17 Nearly reached the bottom of pot tied from top, to break...One has to be on this to get higher! (6) 0Down clue Nearly reached the bottom of pot tied from top = (pot tied - d)* to break = anagrind Def = One has to be on this to get higher = tiptoe (on this = on tiptoe) - Ref to dahi handi?