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Total Clues: 15 Total Voters: 17

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 Samit kallianpur Sure, core exercises help (8) 2714[Sure core]*. Exercises = anagrind. Def = help [Collins]
2 Satyen Nabar Rescuer frantically checking oxygen supply (8) 2514RESCUER* around O; frantically= anag ind, checking= cont ind, oxygen= O, defn= supply
3 Textrous Revise extremely difficult course material (8) 2213Revise extremely=RE, difficult course=SOURCE*, def: MATERIAL
4 @LowdownCryptic Staff member shares our celery sandwiches (8) 1410Def: Staff member - shaRES OUR CElery (sandwiches is telescopic ind.)
5 VENKATESAN P Model escapes from our secret building facility (8) 1310Definition: Facility. Anno: (OUR+SECRE(T)) *. Model - T. Escapes - Deletion indicator. Our secre(-t) - Fodder. Building - Anagrind
6 Gayathri Viswanath Organise or secure supply 129Definitely - Supply, orsecure *
7 Partly shares our center's supply 117Telescopic, Def: Supply
8 Racecourse without air conditioning rebuilt to become a resort (8) 108{(RACECOURSE)-(AC)}*, Rebuilt - Anagrind, Resort (Definition, E.g. last resort)
9 Help revolutionize, extremely cynical church (8) 76Help is def/ revolutionize extremely is R E/ cynical is SOUR/ church is CE- charade
10 Where's our central stores supply? (8) 65Def = supply, hidden word, stores is indicator
11 Secure complex (not used initially) houses our facility (8) 64(SECURE-u)* about OUR. Definition: Facility
12 Help on the subject of very unlikely cure (8) 64Def - Help. RE (on the subject of) SO (very) (CURE)* with unlikely being the anagrind.
13 Secure or insecure bitcoin? 64SECURE OR* insecure = grind; bitcoin? = DBE
14 Aid for rescue or rebuilding (8) 33Aid (definition); (rescue or)* anagram indicated by rebuilding. - def for wordplay?
15 Express hesitation in taking up very old city church asset (8) 22Express Hesitation ER< (taking up reversal indicator) SO very UR old city CE church. Def: ASSET