1 |
Ganesh Raman
Businessman's capital is pursued by every bank | 29 | 14 | B (Businessman's capital)., Each (every), Def: BANK |
2 |
Veera Raghavan
No right to violate land (5) | 26 | 12 | B(r)EACH. Def: Land (verb) |
3 |
Nathan Townshend
Maybe a child's secret place to paddle? | 24 | 13 | Hidden, with 'secret' as indicator. Place to paddle = def |
4 |
Maybe a child has a place to play (5) | 23 | 14 | Telescopic (indicator is "has") |
5 |
Suyash Roongta
Run away from invasion at Normandy? (5) | 21 | 12 | BREACH (invasion) - R (run). Deletion indicator - away from. Def - Normandy? |
- ''at'' as connector between wordplay and def might not be ideal
6 |
German composer touring England's seaside (5) | 19 | 11 | Definition: Seaside. Anno: (B(E)ACH). German composer - Bach. England - E. Touring - Container indicator. |
7 |
Some disrobe a chemise here (5) | 14 | 8 | Semi-&Lit with "here" as the definition and "some" as the containment indicator; disroBE A CHemise |
8 |
Wash up every piece of bedding, to begin with (5) | 7 | 6 | Charade: b+each |
9 |
Some disrobe, a choice in Ipanema perhaps (5) | 7 | 5 | Telescopic clue indicated by 'some'. DBE (Ipanema Beach in Rio) |
- ''In'' should''ve been avoided i feel
10 |
Gathered reddish brown wood on sandy expanse | 7 | 4 | Homophone of "beech" (reddish brown wood); HP indicator: "gathered"; definition: "sandy expanse" |
11 |
Live American crabs hide basically in seashore (5) | 6 | 4 | BE (Live) A (American) C H (first letters of crabs, hide), Def: Seashore |
12 |
He wrote a concerto describing English tree (5) | 5 | 3 | Def = tree, BACH (He wrote a concerto) around E |
- Tree as def for beach?
13 |
Aquaphobe? A challenging part that is near water | 4 | 3 | Def.: That is near water. WP: telescopic Aquapho(be a ch)allenging. Part = T.ind |
14 |
Composer fencing last piece of land (5) | 4 | 3 | BACH AROUND E/ FENCING CONTAINER INDICATOR/ LAND IS DEF |
- wordplay of def
15 |
Lady checks out of " White Sands" | 4 | 3 | Bleach (white) - L |
- Nice clue, but bleach can be whiten/whitener not just ''white''