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1ACCWC#501 - VERANDA (7)

Total Clues: 17 Total Voters: 15

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 N Anantakrishnan Porch essentially covered with awning at the top 189Essentially covered= VER AND (with) A(wning) def - Porch/ extended def
2 Ganesh Raman Arrange a van ride to drop one off at a platform 178Anagram of (A VAN RIDE - I), Anagrind ARRANGE, Def PLATFORM - Love a good anagram, and this is really good!
3 Samit kallianpur Went through an old scripture in a gallery (7) 178[Ve(ran)da]. Went = ran. Through = container ind (as in ''in between''). An old scripture = veda. Def = gallery.
4 Ajeesh A roofed platform over and above shelters (7) 1610Hidden in over and above. Definition = a roofed platform
5 Ramki Krishnan After five, enjoy roasted almonds, nachos, dahi aloo for starters in balcony (7) 117V (five) + acrostic of "enjoy..aloo", def = balcony
6 Adman_i Entrance to very exquisite room with a balcony (7) 117Balcony - Definition, Entrance - beginning letter selection, With - and, (V..y)(E...e)(R..m)(AND)(A) - Should be entrances to indicate multiple letter acrostic IMO
7 Nathan Townshend When cycling, Dave ran into a porch 116DAVE RAN 'cycles' to VERANDA
8 Kalyan Bandyopadhyay Part over and above portico (7) 107oVER AND Above, hidden word indicated by 'part', definition: portico - The pick of the lurkers
- Should it not be "part of" for the cryptic grammar to work?
9 Beaver and armadillo crossing porch (7) 97Hidden word
10 The queen enters museum gallery 75ER inside V&A
11 Signed contract to be quiet after wild rave on deck 75Definition = deck. 'Signed contract to be quiet' = NDA, after 'wild rave'= VERA
12 Vetiver and aloe screening front portion of house 65"veti[VER AND A]loe" "screening" (containment indicator) "front portion of house" (definition)
13 Victor near dwelling’s front built a porch (7) 53V (NEARD)*A. Built: anagrind. Def: Porch
14 Stoop over and actively stretch (7) 32Def: Stoop; hidden as a stretch (section) of oVER AND Actively
15 What's more inside relative's building after removing broken tiles is portico(7) 11Definition: Portico. Anno: (AND) inside ((RELATIVES*) - (TILES*)). Building & Broken - Anagrinds. Removing - Deletion indicator. What's more - AND. Inside - insertion indicator
16 Region over and above the porch 11Clue type- telescopic; Porch- definition; region - indicator - Should it not be "region of" for the cryptic grammar to work?
17 It is over and above enclosure 0Tel. semi &lit: It : Def. holder O(ver and a)bove : Fodder Enclosure : T.Ind.