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Total Clues: 20 Total Voters: 21

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 Sitter It often gets thrown by entrance to church (8) 3216ITOFTEN* after C(hurch), &lit
2 N Anantakrishnan Often it is scattered after beginning of celebrations 2515(often it)* after C
3 Ramki Krishnan Pieces of paper scattered often in traditional celebrations, basically (8) 1510Anagram of (OFTEN + I T C), def = pieces of paper, whole clue is an extended def
4 Sowmya Ramkumar Time to dance with nice fellow in bridal shower! (8) 159{T TO NICE F}*, Def: Bridal shower - “Bridal shower” is a very nice def!
5 @LowdownCryptic Without praise, a perfectionist sorted papers to be chucked (8) 1410(A PERFECTIONIST)* without PRAISE; anagrind = sorted; def = papers to be chucked
6 @qpheevr Scattered fragments of tin, etc., all over the place (8) 1410Anagram: OF TIN ETC = fodder; ‘all over the place’ = indicator; ‘scattered fragments’ = definition
7 Suyash Roongta Notice fine model scattering colorful bits of paper (8) 138{NOTICE + F (fine) + T (model)}*. Anagram indicator - Scattering. Def - colorful bits of paper - indirect anagram?
8 David Ward Paper launched by spectators at match 125CD - match=wedding, all else hopefully clear - Not a particularly cryptic CD
9 Sparsh Sinha Coloured pieces of paper made up of 0.5 centimetre thickness, initially (8) 107Def - coloured pieces of paper, made up - anagrind, of + centi(0.5 centimeter) + t(thickness, initially) - confetti
10 Satyen Nabar Groom wants special, finest cot - it's for use after marriage ceremony (8) 106(FINEST COT)* - S; groom= anag ind, wants= deletion ind, special= S (abbrev), defn on the right - I don’t think “wants” is in the right place to indicate what S is being deleted from
11 Paper covering couple’s initial infidelity appears after fighting often in court (8) 95I (initial infidelity) after (OFTEN)* (anagram indicated by fighting) inside CT (court). Definition: Paper covering couple
12 I sail away dizzily from exotic felicitations and a bridal shower (8) 86Felicitations* - I sail * def: a bridal shower - “Bridal shower” is a very nice def!
- I love the wordplay but I find the definition tricky - "bridal shower" has a very different meaning from confetti - perhaps a question mark after shower might help
13 Streamers arranged to fit fence after cutting out edges 66Def Streamers, Anagrind ARRANGED, Fodder TO FIT ENC (FENCE minus FE, 'cutting out edges' as deletion indicator)
14 Mostly decorate with bits of tinsels, trinkets, iridescent pieces of papers (8) 64Anno: CONFER-R+T(insel)+T(rinkets)+I(ridescent) def: pieces of papers - Not sure “decorate”=“confer” (“Confer x on y” = “Decorate y with x”)
15 Tory and Independent seen drinking boba in colourful paper spread 63Tory = CON (Conservative), Independent = I, containing (drinking) FETT (Boba Fett). Definition = 'colourful paper(,) spread' - Shouldn''t it be Boba?
- Ha ha ha!
16 Dispersed to infect in celebratory shower ( 8 ) 43Anagram of "to infect" with indicator "Dispersed" and definition "celebratory shower"
17 Confession half-made, essentially written (about sex) on small bits of paper (8) 43(CONFEssion)(wriTten)(TI), About sex - IT <---, Small bits of paper (Definition)
18 I note basically colorful bits of tissues, flowers thrown as a mark of celebration (8) 32(I NOTE CTF)*. Thrown: anagrind. Def: A mark of celebration - I see "thrown" as part of the definition - "thrown as a mark of celebration", in which case "thrown" is doing double duty. But I guess the definition does with without "thrown" too.
19 Coin tossed around iron bars becomes celebration strips (8) 22Definition: Celebration strips. Anno: (FE) (TT) inside (COIN*). Iron - FE. Bars - TT. Tossed - Anagrind
20 Finely shredded paper thrown around as badly made counterfeit Euro mostly gets rejected 22Definition: “finely shredded paper thrown around”; anagram (“badly made”) of COuNTerFEIT after removing EUR (“Euro mostly" "gets rejected”)