# | Name | Clue | Points | Voters | Anno | Comments |
1 | Sitter | It often gets thrown by entrance to church (8) | 32 | 16 | ITOFTEN* after C(hurch), &lit | |
2 | N Anantakrishnan | Often it is scattered after beginning of celebrations | 25 | 15 | (often it)* after C | |
3 | Ramki Krishnan | Pieces of paper scattered often in traditional celebrations, basically (8) | 15 | 10 | Anagram of (OFTEN + I T C), def = pieces of paper, whole clue is an extended def | |
4 | Sowmya Ramkumar | Time to dance with nice fellow in bridal shower! (8) | 15 | 9 | {T TO NICE F}*, Def: Bridal shower |
- “Bridal shower” is a very nice def! |
5 | @LowdownCryptic | Without praise, a perfectionist sorted papers to be chucked (8) | 14 | 10 | (A PERFECTIONIST)* without PRAISE; anagrind = sorted; def = papers to be chucked | |
6 | @qpheevr | Scattered fragments of tin, etc., all over the place (8) | 14 | 10 | Anagram: OF TIN ETC = fodder; ‘all over the place’ = indicator; ‘scattered fragments’ = definition | |
7 | Suyash Roongta | Notice fine model scattering colorful bits of paper (8) | 13 | 8 | {NOTICE + F (fine) + T (model)}*. Anagram indicator - Scattering. Def - colorful bits of paper |
- indirect anagram? |
8 | David Ward | Paper launched by spectators at match | 12 | 5 | CD - match=wedding, all else hopefully clear |
- Not a particularly cryptic CD |
9 | Sparsh Sinha | Coloured pieces of paper made up of 0.5 centimetre thickness, initially (8) | 10 | 7 | Def - coloured pieces of paper, made up - anagrind, of + centi(0.5 centimeter) + t(thickness, initially) - confetti | |
10 | Satyen Nabar | Groom wants special, finest cot - it's for use after marriage ceremony (8) | 10 | 6 | (FINEST COT)* - S; groom= anag ind, wants= deletion ind, special= S (abbrev), defn on the right |
- I don’t think “wants” is in the right place to indicate what S is being deleted from |
11 | Paper covering couple’s initial infidelity appears after fighting often in court (8) | 9 | 5 | I (initial infidelity) after (OFTEN)* (anagram indicated by fighting) inside CT (court). Definition: Paper covering couple | ||
12 | I sail away dizzily from exotic felicitations and a bridal shower (8) | 8 | 6 | Felicitations* - I sail * def: a bridal shower |
- “Bridal shower” is a very nice def! - I love the wordplay but I find the definition tricky - "bridal shower" has a very different meaning from confetti - perhaps a question mark after shower might help |
13 | Streamers arranged to fit fence after cutting out edges | 6 | 6 | Def Streamers, Anagrind ARRANGED, Fodder TO FIT ENC (FENCE minus FE, 'cutting out edges' as deletion indicator) | ||
14 | Mostly decorate with bits of tinsels, trinkets, iridescent pieces of papers (8) | 6 | 4 | Anno: CONFER-R+T(insel)+T(rinkets)+I(ridescent) def: pieces of papers |
- Not sure “decorate”=“confer” (“Confer x on y” = “Decorate y with x”) |
15 | Tory and Independent seen drinking boba in colourful paper spread | 6 | 3 | Tory = CON (Conservative), Independent = I, containing (drinking) FETT (Boba Fett). Definition = 'colourful paper(,) spread' |
- Shouldn''t it be Boba? - Ha ha ha! |
16 | Dispersed to infect in celebratory shower ( 8 ) | 4 | 3 | Anagram of "to infect" with indicator "Dispersed" and definition "celebratory shower" | ||
17 | Confession half-made, essentially written (about sex) on small bits of paper (8) | 4 | 3 | (CONFEssion)(wriTten)(TI), About sex - IT <---, Small bits of paper (Definition) | ||
18 | I note basically colorful bits of tissues, flowers thrown as a mark of celebration (8) | 3 | 2 | (I NOTE CTF)*. Thrown: anagrind. Def: A mark of celebration |
- I see "thrown" as part of the definition - "thrown as a mark of celebration", in which case "thrown" is doing double duty. But I guess the definition does with without "thrown" too. |
19 | Coin tossed around iron bars becomes celebration strips (8) | 2 | 2 | Definition: Celebration strips. Anno: (FE) (TT) inside (COIN*). Iron - FE. Bars - TT. Tossed - Anagrind | ||
20 | Finely shredded paper thrown around as badly made counterfeit Euro mostly gets rejected | 2 | 2 | Definition: “finely shredded paper thrown around”; anagram (“badly made”) of COuNTerFEIT after removing EUR (“Euro mostly" "gets rejected”) |