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Total Clues: 24 Total Voters: 27

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 Textrous Love to do a rain dance (9) 4421Def: Love; todoarain*; anagrind: dance (as an intransitive verb for the preceding words) - Clean and elegant!
- Very nice clean clue!
- Nice
- concept of ‘rain dance’ distracts solver from anag clue, nice! 👍
- Nice fodder but unfortunately dance is conjugated incorrectly making it a nounal anagrind. The correct usage would be dances in the third person singular.
2 Amrita Majumdar Love adult party supplies! 2616A DO RATION - Ha! Great surface, not sure cryptic reading warrants the EM though..
- nice surface
- I think it would be RATIONS but I still like the surface!
3 Abhay Phadnis A devotee's first speech shows reverence 2013A + ["devotee's first" =] D + ["speech" =] ORATION "shows" (A+D+ORATION); "reverence" = definition
4 Ramki Krishnan Love a party with food (9) 1711Def = love, A + DO + RATION (food) - Ah yes! Don’t we all! :)
- flows well; good surface
5 Sowmya Ramkumar Love tikka, ultimately with tandoori masala (9) 1510(tikk)A+TANDOORI*, Def: Love, Anagram indicator - Masala (spicy blend) - Ha! Interesting anagram indicator :)
6 Veera Raghavan Worship a deity initially before address (9) 128A D ORATION. Definition: Worship
7 Satyen Nabar Love fantastic tandoori starter of aloo (9) 128[TANDOORI A(-loo)]*; fantastic= anag ind, starter of= 1st letter selection ind, defn= love
8 Kalyan Bandyopadhyay Love to cook a tandoori (9) 117(a tandoori)*. Definition: Love
9 Suyash Roongta Commercial address gets praise (9) 1010AD (commercial) + ORATION (address). Def - praise - clean & effective
10 Aaron Riccio Praise article about animated Latina explorer (and her uncle) (9) 109A(DORA+TIO)N; article = AN, about {container}, animated Latina explorer = DORA (TV character), and {+}, her uncle = TIO (uncle in Spanish) - Ha! Very clever :) could be tricky though requiring solver knowing both the GK for Dora and the Spanish for uncle..
- TIO is a nice tie-in; good surface
11 @LowdownCryptic American tandoori cooking gets praise (9) 108A + TANDOORI anag. (cooking), def: praise - imo this was the best of the TANDOORI clues
12 Maya Sharma Limit commotion before thanksgiving (9) 106Definition is thanksgiving, limit is ration, commotion is ado
13 Praise a publicity speech (9) 97Praise (Definition), A publicity - Ad, Speech - oration - Is the ‘a’ redundant?
- The "a" is superfluous and complicates the clue IMO
14 Much love felt for explorer lost in leaderless state. 97DORA (explorer) NATION-n (leaderless state) ATION (anag. lost) ADORATION (much love felt). - Very nice
- No anagrind needed here because DORA stays as it is
15 A gangster has relationship of love 76Def - love, a+do(ratio)n, gangster+don, has- inclusion indicator, relationship -ratio - Nice idea, not sure about surface.. (would we say people have ‘relationships of love’)
16 Respect for explorer in country needing no introduction (9) 76Def- Respect , (n)A-DORA-TION
17 NATO radio broadcast for charity (9) 64Definition:: Charity. Anno: (NATO+RADIO) * . Broadcast - Anagrind - I don''t think charity is a synonym for adoration, great anagram though!
- Nice anagram, but questionable definition
- Clue works.. but not sure on def?
18 What starts out as this, Dorian corrupted 63&lit. in ref to Dorian Gray // *[O + A + T + DORIAN] // (what starts = first letters of 'Out As This' + 'DORIAN', anagram indicator = corrupted) - The &lit here seems a bit tenuous
- First prize from me - I reckon you''d need the crossers in the grid before the penny dropped!
- &literary!
19 Love a Tandoori party (9) 63A tandoori * = ADORATION , def = love - Party cannot be an anagram indicator
20 Total love for Bill's speech 55Definition, total love, Bill = ad, oration = speech
21 Love promotion speech (9) 55Love is definition/ Promotion is AD/ Speech is oration - crisp clue
22 Admiration for generated AI tornado (9) 53AI TORNADO —> ADORATION (anag)
23 Love first-rate tandoori stews (9) 44A (‘first-rate’) + TANDOORI*; stews = anagrind; love = def. - Wouldn''t "first-rate" be A1?
24 Exaltation of God in a sermon (9) 43D (Deus) in A ORATION. Def exaltation - Is D for Deus a standard abbreviation (in English)?