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Total Clues: 26 Total Voters: 25

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 Sowmya Ramkumar Cast enacted absorbing love story (8) 2013Def: Story, Anagram of ENACTED around O (Love, as in the Tennis score), Anagram Indicator - CAST, Container Ind - Absorbing - The best of the ENACTED O anagrams, IMHO
2 Ganesh Raman Story or play enacted about love 1812Def on the left; anag of ENACTED (PLAY as anagrind) about O
3 @LowdownCryptic Worker gets hold of encrypted code with electronic account (8) 1810ANT (worker) gets hold of ECDO (encrypted code) with E (electronic); def: account
4 Kalyan Bandyopadhyay An extremely erotic, lavish love story (8) 1510AN + EC (extremely ErotiC) + DOTE [= lavish (verb) love]. Definition: Story
5 Manish Jhaveri Cast enacted absorbing love story [8] 1411In surface reading, cast refers to actors. In wordplay, cast (as in spread out) acts as anagrind for ENACTED* absorbing (= taking in) love (=O). Definition = story.
6 Samit Kallianpur Short story enacted out, wins Oscar (8) 149[Enacted* around O]. Out = anagrind. Wins = container ind. Oscar = O [NATO alphabet]. Def = short story.
7 Satyen Nabar Cast enacted love story (8) 149(ENACTED + O)*; cast= anag ind, love= o, defn= story
8 Gayathri Viswanath Reminiscence of one cadet at sea (8) 139Def - reminiscence onecadet*
9 Sparsh Sinha Episode one - Cadet undergoes transformation (8) 139Def - episode, undergoes transformation - anagrind, one+cadet= anecdote
10 Ramki Krishnan A nice, engaging chestnut, done often to entertain, primarily (8) 128Acrostic, with the whole clue being a def of ANECDOTE
11 "Tangled" - a decent love story (8) 118(a decent o)* Anagram indicator - Tangled. Def - story
12 Story about love enacted animatedly (8) 117{ENACTED}* about O (love). Anagram indicator - animatedly. Def - story.
13 Story of mistreated serf escaping from evil confederates 107Definition: "Story"; anagram of [SERF*] "escaping from" anagram of [CONfeDErATEs*]; anagrinds: "mistreated" and "evil" respectively
14 European Commission replacing titanium in medicine? This story might be unreliable 105European Commission (EC) replacing titanium (TI) in medicine (ANTIDOTE)
15 Personal story from deacon is wild and marginally true (8) 97ANECDO* + T[-ru]E = [deacon is wild] = ANECDO* | [and] = + | [marginally true] = T[-ru]E
16 Animatedly enacted entertaining old story (8) 86ENACTED * around O
17 A decent spinning gathering old yarn(8) 85Definition: Yarn. Anno: (O) inside (A DECENT*). Spinning - Anagrind. Gathering - Container indicator. Old - O
18 Play enacted with love story (8) 76ENACTEDO*. Play is anagrind. Definition: Story
19 A narrative about toe dance (8) 65Definition is a narrative; about is anagrind;( toe dance)*
20 'A kiss' - Short love story (8) 64Kiss - neck, Love - dote, Story (Definition) - (A)(NECk)(DOTE)
21 Story of acne eruption, spot and, ultimately, pimple 43ACNE* DOT (pimpl)E
22 Yarn date once fabricated (8) 32(DATE ONCE)*. Fabricated as anagrind. Yarn is the definition
23 You might dine out on this date once at a resort (8) 22(DATE ONCE)*; ‘at a resort’ = anagrind; ‘You might dine out on this’ = def.
24 A detailed kiss, like in story (8) 22A/ kiss is neck- detailed is deletion indicator for last letter/like is dote/ story is def
25 Personal story of coddle after cane slipped 11Personal story-def. Anec (cane) [slipped]-anagrind. [After]Dote-[coddle]
26 Narrative when a December note changes (8) 11Def: Narrative. Anagram indicator: "changes". "A December note" worked out as "A DEC NOTE".