1 |
Sowmya Ramkumar
Cast enacted absorbing love story (8) | 20 | 13 | Def: Story, Anagram of ENACTED around O (Love, as in the Tennis score), Anagram Indicator - CAST, Container Ind - Absorbing |
- The best of the ENACTED O anagrams, IMHO
2 |
Ganesh Raman
Story or play enacted about love | 18 | 12 | Def on the left; anag of ENACTED (PLAY as anagrind) about O |
3 |
Worker gets hold of encrypted code with electronic account (8) | 18 | 10 | ANT (worker) gets hold of ECDO (encrypted code) with E (electronic); def: account |
4 |
Kalyan Bandyopadhyay
An extremely erotic, lavish love story (8) | 15 | 10 | AN + EC (extremely ErotiC) + DOTE [= lavish (verb) love]. Definition: Story |
5 |
Manish Jhaveri
Cast enacted absorbing love story [8] | 14 | 11 | In surface reading, cast refers to actors. In wordplay, cast (as in spread out) acts as anagrind for ENACTED* absorbing (= taking in) love (=O). Definition = story. |
6 |
Samit Kallianpur
Short story enacted out, wins Oscar (8) | 14 | 9 | [Enacted* around O]. Out = anagrind. Wins = container ind. Oscar = O [NATO alphabet]. Def = short story. |
7 |
Satyen Nabar
Cast enacted love story (8) | 14 | 9 | (ENACTED + O)*; cast= anag ind, love= o, defn= story |
8 |
Gayathri Viswanath
Reminiscence of one cadet at sea (8) | 13 | 9 | Def - reminiscence onecadet* |
9 |
Sparsh Sinha
Episode one - Cadet undergoes transformation (8) | 13 | 9 | Def - episode, undergoes transformation - anagrind, one+cadet= anecdote |
10 |
Ramki Krishnan
A nice, engaging chestnut, done often to entertain, primarily (8) | 12 | 8 | Acrostic, with the whole clue being a def of ANECDOTE |
11 |
"Tangled" - a decent love story (8) | 11 | 8 | (a decent o)* Anagram indicator - Tangled. Def - story |
12 |
Story about love enacted animatedly (8) | 11 | 7 | {ENACTED}* about O (love). Anagram indicator - animatedly. Def - story. |
13 |
Story of mistreated serf escaping from evil confederates | 10 | 7 | Definition: "Story"; anagram of [SERF*] "escaping from" anagram of [CONfeDErATEs*]; anagrinds: "mistreated" and "evil" respectively |
14 |
European Commission replacing titanium in medicine? This story might be unreliable | 10 | 5 | European Commission (EC) replacing titanium (TI) in medicine (ANTIDOTE) |
15 |
Personal story from deacon is wild and marginally true (8) | 9 | 7 | ANECDO* + T[-ru]E = [deacon is wild] = ANECDO* | [and] = + | [marginally true] = T[-ru]E |
16 |
Animatedly enacted entertaining old story (8) | 8 | 6 | ENACTED * around O |
17 |
A decent spinning gathering old yarn(8) | 8 | 5 | Definition: Yarn. Anno: (O) inside (A DECENT*). Spinning - Anagrind. Gathering - Container indicator. Old - O |
18 |
Play enacted with love story (8) | 7 | 6 | ENACTEDO*. Play is anagrind. Definition: Story |
19 |
A narrative about toe dance (8) | 6 | 5 | Definition is a narrative; about is anagrind;( toe dance)* |
20 |
'A kiss' - Short love story (8) | 6 | 4 | Kiss - neck, Love - dote, Story (Definition) - (A)(NECk)(DOTE) |
21 |
Story of acne eruption, spot and, ultimately, pimple | 4 | 3 | ACNE* DOT (pimpl)E |
22 |
Yarn date once fabricated (8) | 3 | 2 | (DATE ONCE)*. Fabricated as anagrind. Yarn is the definition |
23 |
You might dine out on this date once at a resort (8) | 2 | 2 | (DATE ONCE)*; ‘at a resort’ = anagrind; ‘You might dine out on this’ = def. |
24 |
A detailed kiss, like in story (8) | 2 | 2 | A/ kiss is neck- detailed is deletion indicator for last letter/like is dote/ story is def |
25 |
Personal story of coddle after cane slipped | 1 | 1 | Personal story-def. Anec (cane) [slipped]-anagrind. [After]Dote-[coddle] |
26 |
Narrative when a December note changes (8) | 1 | 1 | Def: Narrative. Anagram indicator: "changes". "A December note" worked out as "A DEC NOTE". |