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1ACCWC#508 - BUDGET (6)

Total Clues: 27 Total Voters: 27

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 CrypticBlah Cheap bigmouthed drunk? Not IMHO (6) 2014sub. anag. BIGMOUTHED - IMHO (in my humble opinion). Def cheap
2 N Anantakrishnan Shift to basically what you can afford (6) 1713Shift = BUDGE T(o) Def - what you can afford
3 @qpheevr By unanimous decision, government endorsed their leaders’ spending plan (6) 1712Acrostic (cued by ‘leaders’); def.: ‘spending plan’
4 Sitter Plan to dislodge tory leader 1612BUDGE T - Tory leader does not indicate T.
- should be Leader of Tory or Tory''s leader = L?
5 Gayathri Viswanath Head of Union Government caught in debt, arranged funds (6) 1611Def - Funds DEB(UG)T*
6 Textrous Debug glitches before the end of test plan (6) 1611DEBUG* ("glitches" is a noun in a surface reading but an intransitive verb in the cryptic interpretation) + T (the end of tesT), def: PLAN
7 Adman_i Finance Ministry plans move to have no cuts in taxes (6) 1610Finance Ministry plans (Definition) - (BUDGE)(Taxes-axes), Move - Budge, Cuts - axes, no - deletion ind
8 Samit kallianpur Huge debt is hurting this economy, eh? (6) 159Composite Anagram. [Huge debt]* = [budget+ eh]*. Anagrind = is hurting. Def = economy.
9 Mona Sogal Move mountains essentially for resources (6) 148Move is budge+ mounTains essentially. Resources is definition
10 Amrita Majumdar Plan move closer to Frankfurt (6) 1210PLAN -def, move- budge, T(last letter of Frankfurt)
11 Satyen Nabar Plan to move to Thailand (6) 129BUDGE + T : defn= plan, to move= budge, Thailand= T (abbrev).
12 Outlay however includes sources of donations, grants and endowments (6) 119Definition: Outlay. Anno: (BU(DGE)T) . However - BUT. Includes - Containment indicator. Sources of - First letter selection indicator (D, G & E)
13 Allow wager to be placed around dug-out? 119Def ALLOW: Wager = BET, placed around UDG (dug-out)
14 Funds from government eaten by core of our debt, sadly (6) 118G (government) in anagram of (U+ Debt), U = core of our
15 Speculation about united democratic government’s plan (6) 117Def: Plan, U+D+G >>BET
16 Cheap marijuana purchase (6) 106Def: Cheap; marijuana is BUD (slang), purchase is GET - This is almost identical to the first clue I came up with for this - glad someone went for it
17 Economy primarily boosted - unlocking development, growth, effective taxation (6) 87Acrostic indicated by primarily. Definition: Economy (in the Adjective sense of Budget)
18 Cheap grave dug as part of wager (6) 65Anno: DUG* with grave (threatening in wordplay and tomb in surface reading) as anagrind inside BET (wager). Def = CHEAP (as in BUDGET hotel etc) - not convinced that grave works as an anagrind.
19 Kitty revealed by illusionist finally after cutting budgerigar in half 65Kitty = definition (also short for kitten to fit the surface); T (“illusionisT finally”) after BUDGE (“cutting BUDGErigar in half”); for surface reading, kitty = kitten
20 Business head dugout's extremely excellent financial plan (6) 64B business head DUG* E...T Def: FINANCIAL PLAN - Business head does not indicate B. It needs a possessive or preposition.
21 Abandoned oddly edged tub is low-cost 44[abandoned]-ana. [oddly] e(d)g(e)d tub [is] low-cost-def.
22 Persuaded daughter to go to get some traveling allowance (6) 43BUDGED-D+T. Definition: Allowance
23 Cut model with blue dagger regularly (6) 43Def - Cut, (b)l(u)e(d)a(g)g(e)r=budge + t(model) = budget - Letter sequence not clear from the clue)
24 Practically remove immigrant? That's cheap! 43"Practically remove" = almost BUDGE = BUDGE minus final letter = BUDG. "immigrant?"=ET=E.T., the alien "immigrant" from the eponymous movie. "cheap"=BUDGET as in "budget airline".
25 Appropriate, reasonable statement 22Triple Definition - 'Appropriate' (verb), 'reasonable' (adjective), 'statement' (noun)
26 Government ritual is a regular bout, dogs eating dogs(6) 11Regular - BoUt DoGs EaTing dogs - What happens to the last dogs? Good attempt.
- The second “dogs” doesn’t seem to contribute anything to the wordplay, only the surface
27 Nirmala’s key speech: big duet remixed selflessly (6) 0Anagram indicator- remixed. BIG DUET - I (selflessly). Definition: Nirmala’s key speech (her budget presentation) - Like this clue but very region specific