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1ACCWC#511 - MENTION (7)

Total Clues: 33 Total Voters: 37

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 Ganesh Raman Mint one fake note 3219Anagram of MINT ONE; Anagrind FAKE; Def NOTE
2 Avtaar Middle East country liberated a state (7) 3019ME (Ref Chambers dictionary)- NATION-A. Def: State - Neat but liberating would work better for the cryptic grammar
3 Samit kallianpur Intimate sex: nobody gets it after retirement (7) 2614[(M) + en(ti)on]. Sex = M (male). Nobody = none. Gets = container ind. It=it. After retirement = reversal ind. Def = intimate
4 CrypticBlah Somehow nominate without a name? (7) 2216Sub anagram *NOMINATE minus A. Definition name. Whimsical surface as it's clearly impossible to nominate(mention by name) without a name.
5 Abhay Phadnis Talk about half of humanity, fifty percent of creation 2113Definition: “Talk about”; Charade of MEN ("half of humanity") + TION (“fifty percent of creaTION") - Very nice!
6 @ahope1.bsky.social Note after note after note..? Nothing new to note! (7) 2113Charade clue. "Note after note after note" = TI (musical note), after N (abbrev. of "note"), after ME (alt. spelling of mus. note mi). "Nothing" = O (Chambers). "new" = N (abbr.). "to note" = to MENTION.
7 Satyen Nabar Intimate in no time, dancing close to maiden (7) 1712(NO TIME)* + (maide)N; defn= intimate, in= link, dancing= anag ind, close to maiden= n (last letter sel ind) - Best clue in a strong field
8 Heidi Schroeder Intimate noontime diversion? One round’s enough! (7) 1711noontime* -o; definition is “intimate”
9 @LowdownCryptic Guys into wrestling, say (7) 1612MEN (guys) + INTO* (wrestling); Def: say
10 Adman_i Award is not mine, maybe (7) 1511Award (Definition) - (NOT MINE)*, Maybe - Anagrind
11 Guys, turn it on for an announcement (7) 1411MEN <
12 Advance soldiers into manoeuvres 1310MEN + INTO*; def = advance, as in suggest a name forward
13 Talk about guys getting into trouble 1210MEN INTO*
14 Quote from leaders of Middle East negotiating trading in oil: "Never!" (7) 128Def = quote, acrostic
15 Like Josh Inglis and Shubman Gill, Kohli finally cracked century, say (7) 118Anno: MEN = like Josh Inglis and Shubman Gill (def by example) + I (Kohli finally) going through (cracked) TON (century). Def = say - I love this construction, it’s a fab surface, all apart from the definition, sorry! I just think it spoils a really nice surface.
16 Suggestion for guys about lack of sex appeal (7) 118Definition: Suggestion. MEN (guys) + (<- NO IT = lack of sex appeal) reversal indicated by about. - For?
17 Nominate revolutionary to suppress a state (7) 1010Def: state, NOMINATE* (revolutionary is the anagrind) - A
18 Talk about squaddies and leaders in the invasion of Normandy (7) 98MEN (squaddies) + T I O N (acrostic, indicated by ‘leaders in…’); talk about = def.
19 Soldiers got into trouble for remark (7) 98Def - remark, men+into*
20 People avoid dictator's state 97People (men) avoid (shun) dictator's (hp indicator) state (def) - Nice idea but doesn’t work so well with dictator’s after avoid
- The homophone was a great spot but I don’t think the indicator works in that position sorry!
21 Address soldiers getting into problem (7) 77Definition: Address. Anno: (MEN) (INTO*). Soldiers - Men. Into - Anagram fodder. Problem - Anagrind
22 People in Bremen called for raise (7) 66[MENSCHEN (“people in Bremen”, i.e. German for "people") ~ MENTION (HP Indicator: “called”/"called for"), Def. “raise”]
23 Proposal to have space for love making say? (7) 64MoTION to have EN (space in printing) for O (love) = (making) Say M(-o)ENTION - Nearly great but isn’t love-making hyphenated or even one word?
24 People (not I) in excitement get intimate (7) 55MEN+ NOT I*/ IN EXCITEMENT S ANAGRIND/ INTIMATE IS DEF
25 Running in no time, one is going to get the report (7) 53(IN NO TIME-I)*. Running: Anagrind. Definition: Report
26 Soldiers from the East avoid sex that's intimate (7) 43MEN TI ON<<, Def: Intimate, Men - Soldiers, From the East - Reversal Indicator, IT - Sex
27 Say, party time without new song essentially (7) 22Definition is say, party is anagrind, n in time* + on - I don''t see how party works as an anagrind?
28 Say, one in hundred follow Albert Einstein and Erwin Schrodinger, for example 22Def - say. T(I)ON after MEN - DBE - NL: This had great potential but maybe it''s my lack of science background but these don''t seem like interesting people: Trump/Tate/Musk possibly?
29 Guys, sex is backward, live for recognition 22MEN (Guys), TI (sex IT is backward) ON (live), for (connecting word, Def.: recognition
30 Business from the East carrying no operating statement 11'business' = ITEM; 'from the East' yields METI, 'carrying no' yields ME(N)TI, + 'operating' yields ME(N)TI+ON; 'statement'=mention (literal def)
31 State intention to take tin and mix with 10% molybdenum 11'State' = definition. Take TIN from INTENTION = ENTION. Mix with 10% Molybdenum (M)
32 State of people into working out (7) 11STATE- Def, People- MEN INTO*
33 Note one example - Knights not retreating, taking White's central piece 11Definition: Note Wordplay: MEN (One example - knights) + TON (not retreating) around I (White’s central piece)