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1ACCWC#512 - ROUTINE (7)

Total Clues: 34 Total Voters: 34

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 Saurabh Upadhyay Predictable loss at home against England (7) 2517Def: Predictable. Anno: Charade. Loss = ROUT, at home = IN, against = next to, England = E. Surface is sports related
2 Suyash Roongta Complicated in utero procedure (7) 2317{IN UTERO}*. Anagram indicator - complicated. Def - procedure. - Simple but very good
- Of the two “in utero” clues, I think this one has the better cryptic grammar
3 Manish Jhaveri Star out in expensive clothes everyday (7) 2113Telescopic clue with clothes as the hidden word indicator. Def = everyday - nicely phrased, but def is "everyday" and surface sense needs "every day"
- Should be every day in the surface to make sense
- Surface needs every day rather than everyday?
4 Brian Kogler General practitioner, out in emergency wards (7) 2012[(practitione)R OUT IN E(mergency), Hidden Indicator: “wards” (guards, protects), Def: “General”] - Nice
- So many lurkers, but this takes first prize for me!
- Good - not sure why you need the comma
- Ward (vb) = protect/guard is an archaic usage. Nice surface though
- Wards is not a hidden word indicator.
5 Ramki Krishnan Countries bombing borders at war is typical (7) 1813Def = typical, Anagram of COUNTRIES with C-S removed (bombing = del ind, borders = end chars, at war = anagram ind) - Nice and topical
- Don’t know how bombing is deletion Ind
6 Gayathri Viswanath It is ordinary but popular in a way (7) 1813Def - it is ordinary ROUT(IN)E - root issue?
- Route and routine share same roots
7 Samit kallianpur Countries endlessly at war....everyday (7) 1711[(-c)ountrie(s)]*. Endlessly = ind to delete both ends of 'countries'. At war = anagrind. Def = everyday [Collins]. - Surface needs every day rather than everyday?
8 Sparsh Sinha Typical run out dismissing opener at crease (7) 1513Def - Typical, run = r + out + (crease=line , dismissing opener= ine)= routine - ‘at’ between the deleticator and fodder hinders the instruction
9 @LowdownCryptic Series of letters from affair out in Evening Standard (7) 1513Hidden in "affaiR OUT IN Evening", def: Standard - One of the best tele clues
10 Satyen Nabar Procedure performed in utero (7) 1512(IN UTERO)*, performed= anag ind, defn= procedure - Good but I marginally prefer the other in utero clue for the clearer anagram indication
11 CrypticBlah Order developing countries to drop borders (7) 1511Subtractive anagram - developing (c)OUNTRIE(s). Definition order. - Very pedantic comment but the order of the instructions seems slightly off since the borders need to be dropped before the anagram
- Surface meaning?
12 Schedule for exciting tour in Capital of Estonia(7) 109Definition is schedule, anag of tour*+in+e - Definition for wordplay
- def wordplay does not work IMO
- def for wordplay
13 Neurotic criminal caught escaping procedure (7) 108Def: procedure, Anagrind: criminal ("criminal" is a noun in the surface reading but an adjectival anagrind in the cryptic reading), NEUROTIC* - C (caught escaping) - Nice
14 It's customary to wander out in expensive trousers 107Lurker - “To” spoils it for me
- Is there a verb meaning of trousers ?
15 Predictable defeat during final quarter of game (7) 99rout + in(during) + e; definition is “predictable”
16 Usual, wild eruption when principle character in play comes out (7) 98Usual- def, ERUPTION* - P - should be "principal"
17 Untie or unite, as usual (7) 96Anagram indicator: UNITE, fodder: OR UNITE, definition: as usual - "unite" doesn''t seem like an anagrind
- Surface meaning??
18 Unopened salt water bottles on sale as usual (7) 86Unopened = first letter deletion indicator Salt water = BRINE BRINE-B = RINE Bottles = container indicator On sale = OUT As = Connector Definition = Usual {-bR(OUT)INE} - Neat wordplay
19 Predictable Canadian specialty – right takes power (7) 86"Predictable"=ROUTINE (def.). "Canadian specialty"=POUTINE. "right"=R. "takes"=replaces (as in chess). "power"=P. (R replaces P in POUTINE.) - The chess metaphor for replacement is a bit of a stretch, but I’m giving this a point for CanCon
20 Way to cover up naked kink act 85Definition: Act Wordplay: ROUTE (Way) around (to cover up) kINk (naked kink) - Route and routine share same roots
- Act as a definition is a stretch. Just like note as definition for Mention last week.
21 Constituents of Bridgewater out in election cycle 76Lurker -'Constituents of' BridgewateR OUT IN Election - Constituent would be better cryptic grammar. Fodder should be treated a singular
22 Basically regular, ordinary, usual, typical, invariable, normal, everyday (7) 76Acrostic &lit; Basically = Acrostic Indicator; First letters of the fodder makes up ROUTINE
23 Regime’s Russian despot beheaded, buried in caviar (7) 74RO(pUTIN)E; def.: regime - (If only!)
24 Wont appear out in everyday clothes (7) 54Hidden in Plain Sight. Indicator - Clothes, Def - Wont (Chambers) - For the clue grammar to work, it will need to be "won''t", right?
- I wanted to try wont as a def masquerading as won''t but couldn''t make it work. Sadly neither does this.
- Surface reading wants an apostrophe in “wont”
- Won’t in the surface needs a hyphen - a shame; nice clue otherwise
25 Usual bluster, out in editorial section. (7) 53Hidden word (indicated by section). Defn. Usual (in adj. sense)
26 Not neurotic. No craziness to begin with. Just normal (7) 44Just normal (Definition) - {(NEUROTIC)-(C......s)}*, Not - Anagrind, No - Deletion indicator - not sure how ''not'' works as anagrind?
- Not sure how not is an anagrind
- Not is not an anagram indicator
27 Defeat in everything at the start can be a tedium (7) 43ROUT IN E. Definition: Tedium - root issue?
28 Regularly ordinary, unimaginative tedium, infact normal..everyday beginnings (7) 33Acrostic - ‘In fact’ is two words, which spoils the acrostic (ROUTIFNE)
29 Course of section of river out in Egypt 32Definition: "course"; "section of" "riveR OUT IN Egypt"
30 Slice headless trout in Europe is normal 32[Slice]-hidden trigger [headless] {t}rout in E{urope} normal - def. - I think that should be "slice *of* headless trout..."
- An ‘of’ after ‘slice’ would make both the surface and the cryptic reading work better. And you don’t need ‘headless’, as you’ve got a containment indicator anyway
- What does headless do?
- Not sure how it properly works
31 Traditional home Inside pathway(7) 32Definition: Traditional. Anno: (ROUT(IN) E). Home - IN. Pathway - ROUTE. Inside - Content indicator - root issue?
- Route and routine share same roots
32 Formula 1's new circuit introduced 22Def - Formula. IN inside ROUTE. Containment indicator - introduced. (Circuit introduced IN) - ‘introduced’ suggests ROUTE is in IN rather than IN being in ROUTE
- Yoda + route and routine share same roots
- 1’s doesn’t work for I, container indicator doesn’t work to contain IN either
- root issue?
33 Doctor: "Broken toe in ruin. Just another day!" (7) 22letters T,O, E in RUIN - ROUTINE - Doesn’t work, IMO . Also E is at the end
34 Visiting course at home for practice (7) 22IN inside (visiting) ROUTE; def = practice (golf surface) - Not sure order works for cryptic reading
- root issue?
- Yoda + route snd routine share same roots