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Total Clues: 28 Total Voters: 33

# Name Clue Points Voters Anno Comments
1 Satyen Nabar Fine actor in unconventional part (8) 3625F + (ACTOR IN)*; fine= F (abbrev), unconventional= anag ind, defn= part - Neat
2 Samit Kallianpur I avoided conflict for a bit (8) 2616[Fr(-i + a)tion] Friction, with I leaving for a. Conflict = friction. Def = bit - Not sure the substitution quite works
3 CrypticBlah Party split by resistance to proportional representation? 2514Insertion of R (electrical resistance) in FACTION (party). Cryptic and literal definition proportional representation. Surface is true of many political parties. - Lovely!
- Great surface. Not keen on ‘to’ as link word
4 Aaron Riccio (@thatcrypticguy) Unpopular crime like 9/11? (8) 2414[-in]FRACTION
5 manish jhaveri Leaders of Far Right movement create division [8] 2213F R (= leaders of Far Right); ACTION (= movement); DEF = DIVISION (create is the connector) - Nice clue but create is incorrectly conjugated. Creating would fix this.
- (no need to capitalise “far right”)
6 Suyash Roongta Section of Republicans in coalition (8) 1914R (Republicans) in FACTION (coalition). Def - section.
7 Mona Sogal In fantasy, I become God for a bit (8) 178Fantasy is fiction... I become Ra (god) / a bit is definition - "become" is awkward when you mean "becomes"
- Nice surface, but cryptic grammar would be more accurate with "became" instead of become
- should be i ''becomes''...?
- ‘Become’ is the wrong part of speech in the cryptic reading where I becomes RA
8 Ramki Krishnan Following director's order, includes composer's final piece (8) 1610Def = piece, F (following) + ACTION (Director's order) around R (composer's final) - The comma intrudes slightly on the cryptic instruction
9 VENKATESAN P Female actor in dancing division (8) 1512Definition: Division. Anno: (F) (ACTOR+IN*). Female - F. Dancing - Anagrind
10 @ahope1.bsky.social Two thirds say law-breaking "not cool" (8) 1410"Two thirds say"=FRACTION (def. by example). "law-breaking"=INFRACTION. "not"=deletion-indicator. "cool"=IN. (Delete IN from INFRACTION.) - Are infraction (countable) and law-breaking (uncountable) quite synonymous?
11 Part of coterie controlling party essentially 139Def - Part. Faction around R
12 Female reverses car into building for a bit 137F(emale) CAR< INTO* (with profuse apologies for unintended misogynistic imagery) - ‘Reverses’ is the wrong part of speech
13 Ratio of N divided by 100, minus 0, represented as N/100 maybe? (8) 127(RATIO OF N + C - O)*, anagrams=represented, def= N/100 maybe
14 Part of novel in which artist overcomes ego (8) 117RA (artist) replaces I (ego) in FICTION (novel); def = part - How does the solver get from “artist” to RA? (I’m guessing the reference is to Sun Ra, but “artist” is a very vague description)
15 Wildly fornicate, avoiding the last part (8) 107(FORNICATE)* without the last; "part" is definition - lol..should be fornicat(-e)*
16 Part for acting mostly crazy (8) 86Def: Part, FOR ACTIN(-g)*, Indicator - Crazy
17 Scrap? I craft no scrap! 86Scrap, def and anagram indicator. Anagram of I CRAFT NO
18 Fellow with no time to purchase grain (8) 85Purchase = Traction. F (-T)RACTION. Definition: Grain (Collins)
19 Bit vulgar maybe (8) 76DD. Defn. (1) Bit; Defn. (2) DBE (refers to vulgar faction in Maths) - same root meaning?
- Vulgar itself isn’t an example of a fraction, it’s a description of one
20 A part of group around King (8) 75Def - a part F(R)ACTION
21 Portion vacated for campaign 55def: portion ; vacated for FR; campaign ACTION
22 Right wing going around for a scrap (8) 55Right=R, wing=FACTION, going around=containment indicator, a scrap=definition
23 A small section is working on Friday (8) 33Working = Action Friday = Fr (Chambers) On = Position indicator (A on B = BA) Definition = A small section - “Working after Friday” would be a fairer position indicator, I think. (A on B would definitely suggest AB in a down entry; not sure what it implies in an across)
24 E.g., half-ton car, if wrecked (8) 22Anagram: (TON CAR IF)*, indicated by “wrecked”. Def. by example: “E.g., half”
25 Right in the group in part 21R in Faction ( group)
26 Conflict as Indian replaced by American chip(8) 21Definition is chip, conflict means friction, I replaced by A in friction
27 Compound last of first chemical nitrogen ratio for...ratio? 0[Compound]-ana. [last] {o}f [first] c{hemical} n- (nitrogen) ratio (=fraction)...ratio - def.
28 Part of border in for combat (8) 0F,R(Border in "for") + ACTION (combat). Def: Part. Border can mean both sides - I disagree it should be borders plural for F and R.
- Lovely wordplay, not so keen on the surface